Personal IT Security

As an IT company, we are highly invested in the use of technology and it is definitely not going away anytime soon… In fact, there is more technology than ever these days not only in the workplace but throughout most parts of our lives.  Take for example this article on about the author’s car getting hacked.  Yes, his car…

He does acknowledge he knew this was going to happen, but he did not know what exactly was going to happen to his car.  Can you imagine driving on the highway and having your engine cut?  Sounds pretty scary.  The two hackers in charge of the episode have been doing research for a few years on ways to infiltrate vulnerable systems.

While these could really be cars from any automaker, Forbes listed a few makes and models of vehicles whose owners should look into software updates.

The conclusion here is that there is a severe lack of security in many of the systems we work with every day.  With new technology features continuing to be released, regardless of industry, companies need to consider security at a higher level and plan to invest more into it in the future.

When it comes to the workplace, we’re always working to protect you, but always be conscious and cautious outside your office doors!