Service Spotlight: EnstoreIT™

Remember the floods in Colorado in September 2013?  How about last year’s fires that popped up all across the state?  Natural disasters are becoming more frequent, and while it doesn’t always take nature to cause a disaster, it’s just one example of unexpected situations that can occur. Bet you don’t think about IT when you […]


Service Spotlight: EnforceIT™

Last month we dove into our cornerstone service, EncompassIT Managed Service.  We’ll continue to take a deeper dive into what it is we do this month as we break down EnforceIT™. What it is EnforceIT™ delivers a complete, managed security solution that protects your organization.  Essentially, this is one of the ‘cyber security’ pieces of […]


Service Spotlight: EncompassIT | Breaking It Down

What is EncompassIT™ Managed Service?  What do I really get?  This is a question we’ve heard numerous times, so today we’re going to break it down. EncompassIT™ Managed Service is complete IT Monitoring, Management and Support for your company’s IT Infrastructure including your server(s), network and employee workstations.  It delivers technical support, monitoring and reporting, […]


Tech Trends & Topics to Watch in 2017

Tech has always moved fast but it seems like it’s moving faster than ever.  Whether it’s self-driving cars or email hack attacks – the landscape is ever evolving.  Trying to predict what is to come is futile, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be diligent and stay aware of changes as they occur. Here are […]


Data Backup: Weighing Your Options

Back in September we took the first steps in developing a data backup plan.  We identified the data to be backed up, prioritized the recovery of the backed up data in case of a data loss event and created a retention policy.  Now we need to decide what we should backup to. With regards to […]


Flexible IT Infrastructure, Because Businesses Change

Over time any business will face changing circumstances. Whether that means maturing to account for new growth, adapting to meet new regulatory requirements, or attempting to mitigate the risks from constantly changing new security threats, all businesses need to be able to meet the challenges presented by change. With the ubiquitous role that IT plays […]


Data Backup: The First Step to a Disaster Recovery Plan

Data backup is defined as the copying and archiving of computer data so that it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event or recover data from an earlier point in time.  Backups are an integral part of your Disaster Recovery (DR) plan but by themselves should not be considered your […]


Envision IT Partners: Windows 10 Recommendations

Microsoft’s FREE Windows 10 upgrade is scheduled to disappear after July 29, 2016.  With this in mind, we know that many of you are wondering if this is the time to take advantage of the free upgrade and make the move to Windows 10 now. Since its release Windows 10 has addressed many of the […]


Cyber Security: Time to Review

Every year (and generally more often) organizations should be going over their cyber security plan and cyber security implementations thoroughly in order to ensure the plan and measures they have taken still align with organizational goals and requirements. It is not uncommon for businesses to change rapidly or for consumer requirements to alter to such […]


You’ve Planned, Now it’s time to Implement

Having explored the topic of planning your organization’s cyber security approach through using a business centric model (performing a risk management analysis) the next step to take is to take action. When it comes to planning how your organization will deal with the cyber security problem your organization can have the best formulated plans, but […]